Written the day of the appointment

I woke up wobbly and grumpy in pain this morning due to my broken toe. I poured second cup of tea and started calling my doctor to get a work release note. Then I called the orthopedic doctor to get an appropriate follow up. Both appointments would be tomorrow, Tuesday, the first at 9 am and the second at 4:30pm. The same day I had calculatingly planned to go to Visa Facilitation Service (VSF) offices in Seattle to complete Gary’s and Alvin’s visas applications.

The VFS Global office is the UK Immigration third party visa processing center. To complete the application we needed the biometrics (fingerprints and a formal head shot) both of which were done at VSF. I thought Tuesdays are better than Mondays. Monday everyone wants to get seen, you are catching up on emails, phone calls and so on. Tuesday they will ready for us. But as we know, things never go as planned. So at 10am I resolved we had to head there today, on a Monday.

Columbia Tower

We arrived at the tall striking Columbia Tower and take an elevator to the lobby. From the lobby we took another elevator to the 40th floor, made a right turn and to another elevator to the 42nd floor. But we could not push the button to select the 42nd floor. A badge was required; the only button we were able to select was back to the 40th floor and then to the lobby.

At the main entrance, we asked the security guard about getting to the VSF office. The guard stated “their security comes every 15 or 20 minutes to take anyone up that is waiting, we have no phone number for them or any way of contacting them. That’s the way they want it.” So we hunkered down and waited.

We wait…

Alvin played on Gary’s phone. Gary played on mine. I sat stiff, heart pounding, palms sweaty. Determined, hopeful that this crazy plan to show up with no appointment would work. I could no longer keep checking multiple times a day to see if there were appointments. Every time it said no, my dream moved further away. The website did say they were accepting walk-ins but we were unable to get into their office or even a way to let them know we were there. I sat I hoped I had enough karma points to cash in this time. There was a changing of the guards and after 45 minutes I checked in the new security guard that stated the same information but he added “they are only doing scheduled appointments right now because of COVID so if you don’t have one let’s just hope someone else has an appointment and then they might see you waiting.”

Gutted once again but attempting to stay hopeful. My mantra, positive energy, good thoughts, positive energy this will happen. I sat with my uneasiness and breathed, in and out, over and over again. After another lapse of time, I saw a slender man with a button up white shirt and black slacks. He was speaking with the lobby security guard then started walking towards us! He was the one, Ben.


We explained the predicament we were in, unable to get fingerprint appointments for Gary and Alvin, and my visa vignette only good for 90 days 30 of which have passed. He confirms there are no walk appointment but tells us to go with him to see if we can figure something out. We follow him to the coveted 42nd floor and wait while he gets his manager. I am holding my breath. We meet Tim, the manager, he asks us to follow him to his office. Unsure if this will work. I desperately explain again with all the details, he says he can help us today. I breathe. Since they are not taking walk-ins he creates an appointment for “right now.” So after talking, hoping, breathing, and fingerprinting. Gary pays the fees and their passports are in the hands of VFS Global. And according to them and we should back in 3 weeks with the UK visa!

I asked Ben why he checked the lobby this morning. He said he just wanted to see if anyone was waiting, just in case, since they were ahead of schedule. Grateful to have listened to my own gut and grateful to Ben for checking, just in case.