Hi, I am Tamara.

I moved to England in 2020 with family in tow, mid pandemic no less from Tacoma Washington. I have been a nurse since 2006 working in small rural hospitals all the way to level two trauma centers.  The bulk of my career has been spent in the Emergency Department, but I also worked as a critical care transport nurse last five years prior to moving. We moved to England to experience socialized medicine first-hand and and I plan to document the journey here. I hope to learn from my time here and take the knowledge back home to improve my nursing practice.

Nursing is my calling but not life. I also define myself as a mother, wife, writer, explorer, as a Mexican-American, runner, humanitarian and of course a lifelong idealist.

Now tell me your story, who are you? If you had to use a handful of words, titles, to define yourself, which ones would you use?